Corporate formation

Information listed in articles of incorporation of a company


Articles of incorporation of a company list "absolute matters" and "relative matters". Absolute matters are matters that must be stated for the articles of incorporation to be valid, and relative matters are matters that do not have legal effect unless stated in the articles of incorporation.

Information listed in articles of incorporation of a company

Matters listed in articles of incorporation of Kabushiki-Kaisha (joint-stock corporations)

  • Absolute matters
    Purpose, trade name, place of principal office, value or minimum amount of assets contributed at time of incorporation, name and address of each promoter
  • Main relative matters
    Names of persons contributing in kind, assets to be contributed, value of the assets, and number and type of shares assigned therefore; assets to be taken over after the coming into existence of the corporation, value thereof, and name of transferor; incorporation expenses incurred by the corporation; appointment of auditor(s); establishment of board of directors; rules on payment of dividends of surplus

Matters listed in articles of incorporation of Godo-Kaisha (limited liability companies)

  • Absolute matters
    Purpose, trade name, place of principal office, names and addresses of members, statement that all members are limited liability members, and the purpose and value of members' contributions
  • Relative matters
    Relative entries may be freely determined provided that they do not contravene the Companies Act
  • この記事を書いた人
  • 最新記事

Shinichi Ikeda (Ikeshin)

With over 30 years of experience, I specialize in domestic and international real estate transactions, corporate formation, acquisitions, and international inheritance. I provide valuable assistance to businesses looking to expand their operations in Japan and worldwide.

-Corporate formation